
MLMI2016 opening remarks.


Dr. Sean Zhou was delivering a keynote talk: Industrialization of AI for Healthcare – Breakthrough in technology, pragmatism in design, and scale-up in infrastructure.


TITAN X GPU was awarded to the NVIDIA Best Paper Award winner: Polina Biner, Nematollah Batmanghelich, Raul San José Estepar, and Polina Golland, “Unsupervised Discovery of Emphysema Subtypes in a Large Clinical Cohort”
(Left: Ms. Polina Biner; Right:  Dr. Abdul AI Halabi)

Best Reviewer Award winner: Prof. Ghassan Hamarneh. (Left to right: Dr. Aïcha BenTaieb, Prof. Kenji Suzuki, and Dr. Li Wang)

Thanks to the session chairs (Prof. Joe Reinhardt, Prof. Mert R Sabuncu, and Prof. Kenji Suzuki) and NVIDIA Sponsor (Dr. Abdul AI Halabi). (Left to right: Prof. Joe Reinhardt, Dr. Abdul AI Halabi, Prof. Kenji Suzuki, and Dr. Li Wang)

If you took any photos during MLMI, and would like to share, please send them to Dr. Li Wang ( Thanks!